Hans-Rudolf Tinneberg, M.D., Ph.D.
- 1993-2001 Head of Department of Gyn & Obst, Bielefeld, Germany
- Since 2000 Visiting Prof., Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand
- 2002 untill 03.2018 manag. Director, Dep. Gyn & Obstet, Justus-Liebig-Univ., Giessen, Germany
- Since 04.2018 Nordwest Krankenhaus, Head of Endometriosis & Minimal Invasive Surgery Section
- 05.2019 untill 04.2020 Head of Department Gynecology, Diako Kassel
- Past president German Society of Gynecological Endoscopic Surgery (AGE)
- Past president German Society of Reproductive Medicine (DGRM)
- 2004 Honorary Doctorate, Medical Faculty, University of Pecs, Hungary
- Honorary member, Polish and Hungarian Society of Gyn & Obstet
- 2016 “The Golden Scope Award” for lifetime achievement in endoscopic surgery
- 2017 Honorary Doctorate Jagellonian University, Krakow, Poland
- 7-2019 Scientific Director, Academy of Medical Chamber (CME), Hesse
- 11-2019 honorary president European Endometriosis League (EEL)
- 1-2020 chairman IVF commission, medical chamber, Hesse